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This tips page provides a detailed introduction to using the unix command line that the Terminal application provides.
1.0) Overview
2.0) Using the Shell
    2.1 Command Prompt
    2.2 Environment Variables
    2.3 Standard Input Redirection
    2.4 Standard Output Redirection
    2.5 Pipeline Commands
    2.6 File Globbing
3.0) Common Commands
    3.1 Filesystem Commands
    3.2 Data Manipulation Commands
    3.3 Process-Related Commands
    3.4 Internet-Related Commands
    3.5 Commands That Teach or Inform
4.0) Filesystem Permissions
    4.1) Working With Permissions
5.0 Shell Scripts
6.0) Links for Further Study and Reference

1.0 Overview

You can access a huge variety of commands and services from the unix command line using the Terminal application, found in:

From a finder window, you'll find it in the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder.

When you launch Terminal it gives you a window with a command prompt.

You type in commands and press the Return or Enter key and the system executes the commands. The results are typically displayed in the Terminal. When the command is finished you will typically get another prompt.

Commands begin with a program name and then you may provide "arguments" to specify what the program should do or on what files or other resources it should operate. Every program has its own arguments, but there are some common conventions. Options often begin with a hyphen and often appear before any files or directories. The order of the arguments often matters.

You can learn more about any command using "man command" where command is a command you want to learn about. For example "man sort" or "man more".

Manual pages shown by the man command can be painfully terse and surprisingly free of useful examples.

You can have any number of Terminal windows open. In Leopard, Terminal windows can have tabs, like an internet browser.

You can certainly use OS X and never actually use Terminal. But some of OS X's more advanced capabilities and diagnostic tools are only available via the Terminal application. And, sometimes the fix for a problem is most easily accomplished via Terminal. So, some basic knowledge about it can be very useful.

2.0 Using the Shell

The Terminal window is running a program that collects commands from you and hands them to the operating system to be executed. That program is called a shell. There are several popular shells: sh, ksh, bash, csh, tcsh

All shells have some things in common:

  • Command Prompt
  • Environment Variables
  • Standard Input Redirection
  • Standard Output Redirection
  • Pipeline Commands
  • File Globbing (matching filenames with simple patterns)
As much as possible the discussion below talks about commands and characteristics of shells that they all share in common, so it won't matter which one you are using.

The examples are from my computer, which is called "Toybox" (from the anime series "Planettes", which I highly recommend by the way).

2.1 Command Prompt

The last thing a new terminal window will display before accepting your first command is its shell's command prompt. In all the examples below, the command prompt is a number followed by 'Toybox% '. You never type the prompt -- it is just telling you that the shell is ready for your next command.

2.2 Environment Variables

Like variables in any language, environment variables have a name and a value. They store useful pieces of information that affect the behavior of the shell and some of the programs or commands you may run from the shell.

Example 1:

        1 Toybox% echo $SHELL
Example 1 uses the 'echo' command to display the value of the environment variable called SHELL, which tells you what shell you are using.

Example 2:

        2 toybox% echo $PATH
Example 2 shows the value of $PATH, which is a list of directories your shell will look in to find commands you type.

2.3 Standard Input Redirection

Unix systems are based on some relatively ancient concepts in computer science, steming from the days when everyone used a 24x80 character terminal tied to a central computer.

At that time, pretty much all programs you might care to run would read text input and provided text output. They also provided text error messages.

Unix has standardized concepts called "Standard In", "Standard Out" and "Standard Error" to reflect the notion that all programs had at least these standard places to read and write information.

This is still true today. If you do nothing special, all input comes from the your keyboard (when the Terminal Window is in the foreground), and all output (both standard out and standard error) go to the terminal window as well.

Try it!

        Example 3:
        4 toybox% cat

The example above runs the cat command (short for concatenate). Cat copies whatever it receives on its standard input to its standard output.

Type whatever you want and press the Return Key. You will see that it is printed right back to you. That happens because it is reading from the keyboard. When standard in is your keyboard, unless special steps have been taken by the program, you will see whatever you type.

You are seeing your own input because after you press the Return key the data is written to the standard output.

When you are done seeing your own output, press Control-D (hold down the control key and press the D key). This is how you signal "end of data on standard input" to the shell.

Redirecting Standard Input means taking the data from a file on disk or some other source rather than from the keyboard. Example 4:

        4 toybox% cat < /etc/shells
        # List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
        # Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
        # one of these shells.

The command above sends the file /etc/shells to the terminal. The left bracket is the character that tells the shell that the next argument is a source of information from which to read information. You don't have to type Control-D to end the cat program, because it automatically detects when the file has ended

2.4 Standard Output Redirection

Like Standard Input, you can also redirect Standard Output. This simply means that what would have been written to your terminal will instead be written to wherever you redirect it.

Example 5:

        5 toybox% cat < /etc/shells > /dev/null
The exmaple above is the same as example 4, except that the output has been sent to /dev/null, sometimes affectionatey called the "bitbucket". Any data sent to /dev/null is simply thrown away. So, the contents of /etc/shells was read and then written to /dev/null, which means you won't see it.

Nothing has happend to /etc/shells. The file was not affected.

2.5 Pipeline Commands

One of the important concepts in unix is that the output of one program can serve as the input of another. When programs are connected this way we call the combination a pipeline. Sometimes we say we will pipe one program to another program to indicate we will arrange them so that one program gets its input from the other.

Example 6:

	6 toybox% ls $HOME/library/preferences | more
	CD Info.cidb
	CDDB Preferences
	Inspiration Software
	OfficeSync Prefs
	QuickTime Preferences
	Reason Preferences
	[byte 213]
The example above uses the $HOME environment variable, which gets replaces with your home directory, which is where all your personal files are stored. It uses $HOME to form the pathname of your own personal preferences directory. If your login name is hoco, your $HOME variable will be /Users/hoco.

The ls command lists the files in whatever directory is specified, or the current directory if none is specified. It sends it data to the standard output.

But, the command above uses the pipe character to connect the output of the ls command to the input of the more command.

The more command reads one "screenfull" of data and then pauses for you to press the space bar before continuing with the next screenful.

It reports the byte number within the file, because it doesn't know how much data will be coming through the pipeline. You could also use the more command to look at a long text file.

Example 7:

	7 toybox% more /etc/protocols

	# Internet protocols                
	# $FreeBSD: src/etc/protocols,v 1.14 2000/09/24 11:20:27 asmodai Exp $          
	#       from: @(#)protocols     5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89    
	# See also
	ip      0       IP              # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
	#hopopt 0       HOPOPT          # hop-by-hop options for ipv6                
	icmp    1       ICMP            # internet control message protocol
	igmp    2       IGMP            # internet group management protocol
	ggp     3       GGP             # gateway-gateway protocol
	ipencap 4       IP-ENCAP        # IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'')
	st2     5       ST2             # ST2 datagram mode (RFC 1819)
	tcp     6       TCP             # transmission control protocol
	cbt     7       CBT             # CBT, Tony Ballardie 
	[/etc/protocols 11%]
When more knows the length of the file, it will report the percentage of the file already displayed.

2.6 File Globbing

One of the most common things you do in Terminal is go looking for files and directories. Sometimes you know right where to look and sometimes you look in a few different places, or even use the find command to look through potentially vast numbers of directories.

You can also ask the shell to find files for you given a pattern. If you are in a directory with many images whose names are descriptive, you could use a command like this to find all files that include the word birds:

	ls *bird*
In Mac OS X the filesystem is by default essentially case-insensitive for the purposes of file globbing. So, even if the file is called BIG_BIRD_SMILES.jpg it will still be matched by the above pattern.

The * character matches zero or more characters. The ? character matches exactly 1 character.

So, you could match all files with a three-letter extension like this:

	ls *.???
It won't match a file whose name is "noextfile" nor will it match a file with a two-letter extension, such as, for example.

Patterns cannot span directories. So, a pattern like *.jpg won't match files in a subdirectory of the current directory. But, you can include slashes in a pattern if you want to look in subdirectories:

	ls */*dirpat*/*.jpg
The above will look in all subdirectories of the current directory (*/), and in each subdirectory it will continue the search in those that match *dirpat*, and in any matching direcories it will list all files ending in .jpg.

You could also use a find and grep pipeline like this:

	find . -name '*.jpg' -print | grep dirpat
The difference is that the find command will descend into all subdirectories, recursively, and the grep command will match the dirpat regardless of whether it is one, two, three or any number of directories below the current directory.

3.0 Common Commands

Commands fall into many categories, only a few of which are probably useful to you until you have a lot more experience.

  • Filesystem Commands (change directories, list directory, rename, copy files, change permissions, find files)
  • Data Manipulation Commands (sort data, compare files, match patterns, spellcheck, gunzip)
  • Process-related commands (view process list, kill process)
  • internet-related commands (ftp, get web page, secure shell, secure copy)
  • Commands that teach or inform (man, date, cal)

3.1 Filesystem Commands

cdchange directories to your home directory
cd ..change to the directory "above" the current directory
cd somedirchange to the "somedir" directory
lslist contents of the current directory
ls *.jpglist contents of the current directory that end in .jpg
ls -l *.jpglong listing of the contents of the current directory that end in .jpg
ls -t *.jpglist contents of the current directory that end in .jpg, from most recently modified through the file modified longest ago
ls -rt *.jpglist contents of the current directory that end in .jpg, from the file modified longest ago through the most recently modified
mv somefile newname rename the file whose name is "somename" so that its new name is "newname"
cp somefile copyofsomefile copy the file "somefile" so that the copy's name is "copyofsomefile"
chmod ugo+rw somefilemake "somefile" readable and writable by everyone
chmod ugo+r somefilemake "somefile" readable by everyone
chmod u+x somefilemake "somefile" executable by you
chmod go-rwx somefile make "somefile" not readable, writable or executable by anyone but you
find . -name '*.jpg' -print find all files with the extension .jpg beginning in the current directory (.) and continuing in all subdirectories
find /Library /System -name '*.plist' -print find all files with the extension .plist in the /Library and /System directories, or any subdirectories of those.
rm somefileremove a file. You can also use patterns, of course, to remove multiple files.
rm -i somefileask whether to remove the file -- answer Y to remove it. Very useful when you use patterns, so you can confirm each removal
rm -f somefileforce removal of a readonly file.
rm -rf somedirrecursively remove a directory and all of its contents. DANGER! Be certain you want to remove it all, because it is *so* gone...
rmdir somedirremove an empty directory

3.2 Data Manipulation Commands

echo some stringprint some string into the terminal window. This is also a useful way to look at the values of an environment variable -- just put $VARNAME onto the command line of echo (where VARNAME is the environment variable you want to see the value of)
cat somefileprint the contents of somefile to the terminal window
more somefileprint the contents of somefile to the terminal window, but pause for every pagefull
less somefileprint the contents of somefile to the terminal window, but pause for every pagefull (uses vi-like keybindings)
vi somefileinvoke the vi editor on somefile
open somefileinvoke whatever application is associated with somefile. E.g, for an image it would invoke
head somefileshow the first 10 lines of a file or pipeline. You can pass -20 (or any other number) to show that many lines.
tail somefileshow the last 10 lines of a file or pipeline. You can pass -20 (or any other number) to show that many lines.
tail -f somefileshow the last 10 lines of a file or pipeline and then show any new files that are written to the file
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
Follow the apache error log file, showing any new lines that appear
sort filesort contents of file
cd $HOME/Music/iTunes/iTunes' 'Music
ls | sort --ignore-case /tmp/musiclist.txt
grep pattern file look for a pattern in a file: note, you need to put your pattern inside quotes if it contains any special characters
grep pattern file1 file2 file3look for a pattern in three files
grep Subject: $HOME/Library/Mail/POP-*/INBOX.mbox/Messages/*
diff file1 file2show differences between two files
ls /volumes/adisk/adir/asubdir > /tmp/
ls /volumes/adisk_mirror/adir/asubdir > /tmp/
diff /tmp/ /tmp/
comm file1 file2compare two sorted files. Shows lines only in file 1, only in file2 and common to both files
spell file1.txtfind spelling errors in a text file.
gunzip archive.gzunzip a .gz or .zip file

3.3 Process-Related Commands

psshort process listing
ps auxwwview complete process listing
topdynamic process listing, like activity monitor
kill -15 1234send signal 15 to process 1234 -- graceful shutdown
kill -9 1234send signal 9 to process 1234 -- ungraceful, immediate shutdown
sudo kill -9 1234send signal 9 to process 1234 -- ungraceful, immediate shutdown, done as the most priviiged user

3.4 Internet-Related Commands

ping find out if is connected and responding
ping find out if is connected and responding (e.g. your router)
ftp ftp.mozilla.orgcleartext ftp command line tool
curl http://www.timefold.comretrieve a web page
curl | grep imgretrieve web page and extract only lines that contain images
ssh -l usernamesecure shell connection to, as user username
scp somefile copy file to the /tmp directory of, as user username

3.5 Commands That Teach or Inform

man sortshow manual page for the sort command. Practically every command in unix has an associated manual page, but they may be too terse to comprehend.
dateshow current date
envshow the value of all environment variables
idshow the current user and all their groups
calshow calendar for current month
cal 2008show complete calendar for 2008

4.0 File Permissions

The Unix filesystem is a hierarchical collection of directories that may contain directories and files. The root of the filesystem is / and the forward slash character is also the separator between directories. So, a complete pathname for a file or directory always begins with a slash, like this:

All elements of a pathname except the last must necessarily be a directory. The last element could be a file, directory or some other manifestation such as a device, symbolic link, etc.

Every file, directory, etc. has its own set of permissions that control who may read, write and execute (for files) or find through (for directories).

Reading and writing are intuitive.

For regular files, the execute permission turns the file into a program that can be run by the system, or at least, it convinces the system to allow the attempt to run it. Making a file executable is necessary, but not sufficient for a program to actually run.

For directories, the execute permission allows the user to descend through it with the find command, or enter it with the cd command.

Each file, directory, etc. actually has three separate sets of permissions, one each for: user, group, other.

The permissions for "user" apply to the owner of the file. Typically, if you create a file you own it. You probably also own the vast majority of all files you find in your $HOME directory or any subdirectory thereof.

The permissions for "group" apply to all users that belong to the group associated with the file. For a home computer, this isn't very meaningful. For computers in a business environment, it is common for members of a department to all be in the same group, so there can be permissions that apply to the department and that still exclude people not in that department. For example, people in your own department may be able to read all the files of other people in the same department, but people outside the department may not even be able to read the files.

The permissions for "other" apply to everyone else -- that is, users who are not you and also are not in the group associated with the file.

	ls -l /Library/WebServer/Documents/PoweredByMacOSX.gif
	-rw-rw-r--  1 root  admin  3726 Sep 23  2007
The ls -l command reports the permissions of the file, as well as its owner, group and size in bytes.

The permissions string is -rw-rw-r--. This is actually four separate parts:

  • The first letter tells us the kind of thing it is
  • there are three groups of three letters each
The first letter code is translated as follows:
says this is a regular file

says this is a directory

says this is a symbolic link (an alias)

says this is a character device (e.g. a tty)

says this is a block device (e.g. a disk)

The three-letter groups define permissions for user, group and other, respectively.

In the above example, both user and group have read and write permissions, but not execute permissions. Whereas, other has only read permission.

The ls -l command shows us that the file is owned by 'root' and the group is 'admin', and the file is 3726 bytes. The file was modified on Sep 23, 2007.

ls -l /System/Library/CoreServices/dotmacsyncclient
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  88 Nov 14  2007
    /System/Library/CoreServices/dotmacsyncclient ->
The above permissions show that /Library/CoreServices/dotmacsyncclient is a symbolic link and that it points to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Resources/dotmacsyncclient The symolic link itself is owned by root and is in group wheel. If you can read and execute the link you are allowed to check your permissions against the file or directory it points to. You must still have access to that file or directory to be able to access it -- access to a link is necessary but not sufficient to access what it points to.
ls -ld /Library/CoreServices
drwxr-xr-x  101 root  wheel  3434 Aug  1 07:18 /System/Library/CoreServices
The -d option tells ls to report information about a directory and not its contents. By default, ls reveals information about the contents of directories and not the directories themselves.

The above permissions show that /System/Library/CoreServices is a directory, and that it is owned by root and is in group wheel. Root may modify the directory, but everyone else may simple read the directory and find through it.

What does it mean to write to a directory? If you have write access to a directory you may add files to the directory, or remove them. You may also change permissions (and group membership) of files you own in that directory (but not on files you don't own).

In fact, you don't need read or write permission to a file in order to remove it. You only need write permission to the directory that contains it.

4.1) Working With Permissions

You can change permissions on files you own using the chmod command. Here are some examples:
chmod go-rwx file remove read, write and execute for group and other
chmod u+x file make file executable, but just for me. Actually, if the file was already executable for group and/or other, it remains so. This command just adds execute permissions for yourself.
chmod ugo+x file make the file executable for everyone, but it must also be readable, so you had really better run chmod ugo+rx if you want the file to be able to be run by anyone
chmod +x file same as chmod ugo+x file, above
chmod go-w file remove write permission for group and other
Note: you can specify a file or directory where it says 'file' in these commands.

5.0 Shell Scripts

Shell scripts are simply text files that contain shell commands, as if you had typed them at the command prompt. You can create them in your favorite text editor, including the TextEdit application.

A shell script needs to be made executable (chmod +x yourscriptfile). There are lots of possible scripting languages you could use: bourne shell, cshell, tcsh, ksh, bash -- even perl or python! Whatever scripting language you choose, you must give the operating system a hint about which shell to use as the interpreter. The very first line of the file should begin with one of the following sequences, with no blanks in front. It must be the very first line.

For a bourne shell script use:

For a cshell shell script use:

For a tcsh shell script use:

For a ksh shell script use:

For a bash shell script use:

For a python script use:

For a perl script use:

Shell scripts may also signal their success or failure with an exit code. By convention, an exit code of 0 means success, and any other number means failure.

A script may set its exit code only when it terminates, using the exit command. For example, to signal success, put this at the end of your script:

	exit 0
Calling exit is optional -- your script will work without it. But, if you intend to use your script inside of other scripts, you might want to exit with 0 to signal success so the outer script can react to the failure of the inner script.

Each shell has its own syntax, although for very simple commands you may find that more than one shell can interpret the commands. For example, sh, csh, tcsh ksh and bash could all run the following commands:

cd /User/$LOGNAME/birdpix
find . -name '*.jpg' -print | 
	grep -i bird | 
	sort > /tmp/home.birds.txt

cd /volumes/backup/User/$LOGNAME/birdpix 
find . -name '*.jpg' -print |
	grep -i bird | 
	sort > /tmp/backup.birds.txt

comm -23  /tmp/home.birds.txt /tmp/backup.birds.txt
The above script first finds all the files ending in .jpg found in your birdpix directory, or any directory or subdirectory under it. Then it filters out any filenames that don't contain the word bird. Note: if a directory contains the word bird, it will match, even if the files themselves don't contain the word bird. Then it sorts the results and stores them in a file called /tmp/home.birds.txt.

Then it does the same thing for a mounted backup disk (presumably cloned from your computer's hard drive at some point in the past.) We assume the disk is called 'backup' and is mounted at /volumes/backup (which is the normal place a disk called 'backup' would be mounted.) It produces its filtered, sorted list of bird files and directories in /tmp/backup.birds.txt

Finally, it uses the comm program to compare the results. The -23 option tells comm to report only lines unique to /tmp/home.birds.txt. In other words, it reports all the bird-related files and directories you've added since the backup has been made. It doesn't report items you've deleted though. If you'd like to see those instead, use comm -13 instead.

Here is a simple bourne shell script called 'isrunning':


running=`ps auxww | grep "$prog" | grep -v grep | grep -v isrunning`
if [ "$running" = '' ]
    echo "$prog is not running"
    exit 1
    echo "$prog is running"
    exit 0
The script accepts a program name on its command line (e.g. as an argument to the program). It looks for that process name in the process table using the ps auxww command and grep. Then it uses grep -v to remove any line that contains grep and it removes itself (isrunning) from the pipeline as well. Why do those two grep -v commands? Because if you don't, the script detects itself running and falsely reports that the program you are looking for is running, whether it is or isn't. That's because every program running in the system (including the isrunning script itself and everything it invokes) will be in the process table returned by ps auxww!

You can use the isrunning script to determine if a process is already running. For example, I have another script that depends on the mysql database, which may or may not already be running on my computer. MySql is, unfortunately, not automatically started when my machine reboots.

So, I include this in my bourne shell script that needs mysql:

isrunning mysql
if [ "$running" != 0 ]
    echo "dget: mysql deamon is required"
    exit 1
In the bourne shell, the $? variable holds the exit code of the most recently executed command, which is my isrunning script. I store the exit code from the script in the variable called running. Then, I test $running in an if condition and if it is not running my script will exit rather than continue and fail later when the database isn't there.

The differences between the command-oriented shells are primarily the syntax you use for more complicated things like loops, if-the-else logic and the way you set and retrieve environment or shell variables. While $LOGNAME will always be your (short) unix login name, some shells provide more subtle ways to access data, and different shells have different syntax for setting variables and for limiting or extending the scope of variables.

perl and python are really robust programming languages -- and they do not really make very good command-oriented shells. You could not run the above commands in either perl or python. You can see an example of a perl script here: The driveio tool

The command-oriented shells like sh and csh are really not very convenient as programming languages, and you quickly run into their limitations if you try to do anything too complicated. But they are adequate or even convenient for simple tasks.

The bash, ksh and tcsh shells are better, but still, if you are a programmer you are much more likely to appreciate a programming language like perl or python for any serious software project, and you'll probably want to use shell scripting for only fairly simple tasks. You will probably also prefer bash over csh or tcsh for programming.

Each shell has its strengths and weaknesses. I prefer to write simple scripts in sh and more complicated scripts in perl. If you want to learn only one shell or language, bash is a good choice. Perl is a mature and remarkable language with extensive libaries of free software available, but it has a steep learning curve, like any significant programming language. For simple scripts, it is probably not practical to learn it. Python is easier to learn, but still overkill for simple scripts.

6.0 Links for Further Study and Reference

All content copyright Howard Cohen 2008 , all rights reserved worlwide.