Leon Checks out the Bamboo

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Why don't you come with me to check out the bamboo?
I like the bamboo, but its all the way on the other side of Howard's house.

Here we are in the front yard. Don't worry, we can jump over the fence.

Then we have to cross the deck.

Are you coming? We're almost there, really.

Here it is!
Can you dig all this bamboo! The ground is cool in their shade. There's leaves on the ground, and bugs too.

That's my favorite plant , I looked for a long time to find it.

Having is not as important as sharing.
I wish I could share this bamboo with everyone. I wonder if other cats get to play in bamboo? I hope so. I'm glad you came with me...

I'm just going to take short nap.
Then I'll get pumped up for another journey.

I'm just resting my eyes...

Where to Next?

You can go back to my home page, or you can visit the LAL Cat Archive which has pictures of other cats...
Last Updated: 8/14/95
Leon - leon@timefold.com
Timefold(tm) - info@timefold.com or http://www.timefold.com
Howard Cohen - hoco@timefold.com
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